Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Everybody Everywear Lace!

Wow, I am slow today. But I've had a lot on my plate lately with work getting a bit more hectic and me really trying to kick wedding planning into gear. But I did take part in this months everybody everywear challenge!

Top: Gap Skirt: H&M
Pardon the craptastic shot but I'm making do with my iphone since fiance is still at work. And ew, my stomach. But, hopefully that will soon go away as I'm trying to get back into the gym routine and eat better. My goal is to drop 15 pounds so I'll look good for my wedding. And all the other ones that I have to go to in the next year and a half.

Anyway. Updates later. yeehaw.

Lace | Everybody, Everywear


  1. Thanks for linking up. That's a great lace skirt!

  2. thanks! i love it! once the weather gets better it will come out more :)


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