Tuesday, August 27, 2013

29 before 29 recap & 30 before 30

With Friday marking my birthday I thought I'd do a recap of my 29 before 29. And oh god... 30 before 30? My last year of my twenties... ack!
  1.  Spend less, shop my closet more.
  2.  Read a minimum of 30 books.
    1.  Take more photos. Thank you, Instagram.
    2. Dedicate more time and effort to the blog.
    3. Make homemade pasta and sauce.
    4.  Go to a new city where I haven't been before. Hello Munich, Ischia, Naples, and Bergamo.
    5.  Volunteer for more shifts at the holiday window display for the SF SPCA. 
    6. Less time inside, more time outside.
    7. Join a sports team/bowling league/sign up for ice skating lessons.
    8. Bike across the golden gate bridge.
    9. Take a how to make a terraneum class with my mom.
    10. Take a photo every day for 30 straight days.
    11. Go to the symphony with DH.
    12. Learn to fix/sew a button.
    13. Try a new beer once a month.
    14. Go fruit/pumpkin picking.
    15. Hike Angel Island.
    16. Get as close as I can to the city where my grandpa was born in Italy. See that little town Carraia? Yup.
    17. Bake at least once a month with the new kitchen aid mixer.
    18. Go gokarting with my family.
    19. Define my style better.
    20. Visit the Italian American museum in the presidio.
    21. Organize and play a bocce ball day.
    22. Be nicer to my cuticles (so I can finally have nice manicures...)
    23. Take a spontaneous drive.
    24. Make a new friend.
    25. Make a stranger's day
    26. Clean and reorganize my wardrobe AND keep it up (for longer than a week).
    27. Exercise more and eat better.
    So since I clearly didn't get a chance to do them all... I will add them to my 30 before 30.
    1. Dedicate more time and effort to the blog
    2. Make homemade pasta and sauce
    3. Join a sports team/bowling league/ice skating lessons
    4. Bike across the golden gate bridge
    5. Go to the symphony with DH
    6. Go fruit/pumpkin picking
    7. Hike Angel Island
    8. Bake at least once a month with my kitchenaid mixer
    9. Visit the Italian American Museum 
    10. Organize and play a bocce day
    11. Be nicer to my cuticles
    12. Clean my wardrobe
    13. Exercise more and eat better
    14. Visit at least one new US city
    15. Read a minimum of 40 new books
    16. Take and pass the PHR
    17. Push myself harder at work
    18. Strip down the wardrobe
    19. Be better with impulse purchases
    20. Visit another National Park (that I haven't been to already...)
    21. Perfect my pie making abilities
    22. Have a dinner party
    23. Visit another California coast lighthouse
    24. Cook dinner at home at least twice a week
    25. Get a few steps closer to buying our own place
    26. Do something that really pushes my boundaries/limits
    27. Finish my online course early (prior to November 20..)
    28. Work on being a better wife
    29. Do something spontaneous
    30. Be okay with turning 30.


    1. What a fun list! I should try making one too. Happy early birthday Laura! My birthday was actually today, 32! I think after two years I've finally come to terms with being in my 30s. It's not that bad! :)

      1. Happy belated birthday Katie! :) I Hope you had a great day!

    2. Laura - do you have to do all of these before 30??? You go girl!

    3. Have a dinner party is something on my 30 by 30 list too! Good luck with yours! :)


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